Created on: 2019-02-21
How to repair, install, fix, change or replace a dirty, dusty or clogged air filter in a 2013 Toyota Camryon a 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Toyota Camry.
Hi, I'm Mike from 1A Auto. We've been selling auto parts for over 30 years.
Hi, everyone. Sue here from 1A Auto. And today we have a 2013 Toyota Camry in the shop, and I'm going to show you the location of the air filter housing and how to remove one and replace it.
Once you open your hood, you can see the air lift hose going into the throttle body, and you've got a cover here, two guide pins back here, but over here is where you're going to pull these two little tabs off. They're extended nicely. Toyota raised them up, so you don't have to dig in here down deep. They're spring clips, so you just push it this way and push it that way. Then you can grab the cover. Pull out those two guide pins, and just lift it up. You don't have to come completely out unless you need to do some deep cleaning in there.
There is the air filter. Looks like someone's already replaced it. It's fairly clean and fairly new. I like to check it in between and see how much we've got. We have a little bit of debris sitting in there. Nothing too major. You can always take this out and tap it. Get some of the sand come out if there is any. That's in good shape.
To replace it, you lift up the lid. This one happens to be almost a perfect square style, so a little bit of a rectangle. Line it up. You always want it to sit flush. Make sure it's nice and flush all the way around. Guide those two pins in the back there. Nice and flush. Hold the cover down and with one finger. You just push that spring right up on to the clip.
Make sure that all your hoses are still connected after. Sometimes when you move an air filter cover housing, the actual vacuum lines like this one could just fall right off. Then you're going to go down the road and you got an engine light. It's pretty common to see certain companies take your air filter off every time you go for an oil change. And these fall off, and if they don't pay attention, you will get an engine light.
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Find out how to replace the engine air filter with this how-to video. Follow the steps to do this easy repair yourself!