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How to Replace Door Lock Actuator 1997-2005 Chevy Venture
Created on: 2011-02-16
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Brought to you by Your source for quality replacement parts and the best service on the internet. Hi, I'm Mike Green. I'm one of the owners of 1A Auto. I want to help you save time and money repairing and maintaining your vehicle. I'm going to use my 20+ years experience restoring and repairing cars and trucks like this to show you the correct way to install parts from The right parts installed correctly, that's going to save you time and money. Thank you and enjoy the video.
In this video we're going to show you how to replace the door lock actuator on this '98 Chevy Venture, same as most '97 to 05s. We going to do the driver's side which is the same as the passengers' side, also same as the Montana, Silhouette. This is a long video because you have to take a lot of things apart. Nothing is all that difficult, just involved. The tools you'll need are a flat blade screwdriver, a 10mm socket with a ratchet and extension. Some painter's tape, a T30 Torx bit and ratchet driver and a T10 Torx driver. The first step is going to be to take the door panel off. I'm going to speed through this. If you want to see this video in regular speed you can check out our other videos for the Venture door panel removal. You just remove, it's pretty easy actually. Remove your switch panel, the little plate from behind the door handle, a couple bolts, and then release some pins and pull the door panel off. Then remove your water shield. Next you want to unlock your window from your window track. Sounds a little weird but basically there's a couple tabs. One here and then one here, and you press those tabs and at the same time slide your; you can see this is sliding. Slide your window track back and that unlocks the window. Now you can see I lifted the window up; I used some painters tape just to secure it. With your window up and out of the way you're going to want to remove three bolts. One there, one through this hole here, and one through this hole which I already removed there's a black plug on the end that I removed. Let's see if I can see that bolt in there. There it is right there. You removed those three bolts, they're 10mm bolts. You'll want a ratchet with a 10mm socket and extension. I'll get right in there.
Obviously you don't this long of an extension, but probably a six inch will do. As you're removing these if you can be careful not to let them fall down, but if they do they fall down and you can grab them as you'll see. They fall right down. Now you're going to want to unplug this lead here. From the outside take your handle, pull it out. Then use a screwdriver and work it right in there. Push that out. Then your handle, pull this harness out and your handle comes up and off. What you want to do is to keep these rods kind of put, they have little clips right here and you can clip them in so they'll stay put.
Now you're going to want to take these harnesses apart. They pull out and there's one pin right here that you can either pull, you might use a pair of pliers and tug a little on it. You'll want to disconnect your power window motor, which is pushing up on a little clip here and pulling that out. Now remove your speaker. Use a screwdriver to pry a little tab here and the speaker comes out. Just press on it with your screwdriver, a little tab and remove the lead. Now you'll want to remove 10mm bolts, the one, two, three, four, five and there should be a sixth one here. This vehicle is missing one. You'll notice I didn't remove this one all the way, it actually can slide out. Next you'll need a T30 Torx bit and you'll want to remove these three screws here. Then you can see here there's a weather strip. It's actually held on by a pin here. That pin's already broken on this vehicle. This must have been taken apart before. You can pull that weather strip up and out. Now you're going to want to pull this out, up and out. These harnesses slide that up. This harness here is connected in and what we can do now is take our screwdriver and push that forward. There's a little tab that locks it. This whole thing comes out. There's a little bolt in here.
Here's our lock mechanism that has our actuator. It's got two rods into it that just turn. Just turn like that and it comes off. Here's our lock mechanism with our actuator. Here's our new actuator so you can see there's two screws here, one, two. These are T10 Torx screws so you remove them. Then your actuator comes down and off. Then the new one, the biggest part of this is this little rubber bumper down here goes into this indent and pushes in. Then you push your actuator down and on. Then we put these screws in, start the second one. Now to reinstall, this is a little bracket that helps you put everything back together. What you'll want to do is put this bracket back on if you took it off, just by sliding it in and then pulling it back. Then your actuator put these two rods into these grommets. Pull it back and then turn it and then that bracket goes into the back of the actuator and locks everything in place. Then these two rods, this one clips right there. On your old actuator there's another little clip here that you can pull off and it clips on there so this rod then goes right up there and clips on. The assembly can go back up and in. Before you get too far make sure you bring these harnesses back up and around and pull this back. Plug in your harnesses here. The black one goes to your upper connection and then this one goes right down here. This one slides onto here and goes down below. That's routed correctly. These to there and now you can push this all back in. Okay, I wrestled with this a little bit here.
What I learned actually, if you dip the back part way down then slide it back and then bring the back up into place it prevents those rods from getting hung up and that's what I'm messing with here. One of our longer screws, start it in right here. When you're sliding that back you may get these rods hanging up in here. Just be aware of that as you're sliding it back. Put our hand through the door handle hole. Start these three. Now we'll start our other screws just to make we have everything in place. I'll fast forward through putting those bolts in, just putting them in finger tight and now I'm going to actually turn my attention to the wiring. Make sure all the harnesses are all routed the same way. Plug the window motor back in and then again still making sure those wires are all routed the same way. Now we'll fast forward even faster through tightening up those bolts and they should nice and snug. They don't have to be too tight. Let's reinstall our speaker. Plug it in. These two tabs go in and it locks in place. Now we'll fast forward tightening up those three T30 screws for the lock mechanism. Okay, we just hook up our door handle and our switch. We do a quick test with the control.
Okay, everything seems to be working correctly. Make sure we leave it unlocked. You're going to want to put this piece of weather strip back up and in. Slide it in here and there's a whole channel that it kind of pops into. Make sure it's right there and if you were able to get this pin apart then you can put the pin back in. You want to do this one first. You want to feed your harness in here and make sure it goes behind this channel here so it doesn't get stuck in the window. Put that on first and now put that on. Push your handle in from the inside; you can see I've got my extension and my 10mm socket. Carefully feed my bolt in there. We'll fast forward through that same procedure for the other two bolts. Then you want to use your ratchet handle and tighten them up nice and snug. They don't have to be too tight. Then finally reconnect your power lock harness. Then put that little rubber grommet or plug back in. Get one side in and squeeze it in. Slowly bring your window down. Make sure it stays in its track. Slide the track back. The window does need to go into these black clips here; slide that back and secure it. Okay and like in the beginning I'm going to fast forward through and put the water shield back on and the door panel. Again, if you want to see this part in regular motion, just check out our other videos for the venture door panel installation and removal.
We hope this helps you out. Brought to you by, your source for quality replacement parts and the best service on the internet. Please feel free to call us toll free 888-844-3393. We're the company that's here for you on the internet and in person.
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Brought to you by, your source for quality replacement parts and the best service on the Internet.
Hi, I'm Mike Green. I'm one of the owners of 1A Auto. I want to help you save time and money repairing or maintaining your vehicle. I'm going to use my 20-plus years experience restoring and repairing cars and trucks like this to show you the correct way to install parts from The right parts installed correctly: that's going to save you time and money. Thank you and enjoy the video.
In this video, we're going to show you how to remove and replace a rear door lock actuator. If the door locks in one of your rear doors are not working then this is usually the problem. This procedure is the same for all GM mid-size SUVs, Trailblazer, Envoy, Bravada, Rainier, 9-7x and Ascender. You'll need 7 and 10mm sockets with a ratchet and extension, small flat blade screwdriver, T10 Torx driver and a T30 Torx bit with a ratchet and driver. Just a note this is done on a Trailblazer. If you have one of the other models removing the door panel may vary just slightly.
Start by using a small screwdriver and you want to pry up this little trapdoor here. Pull it out and there's two 7mm bolts there and then around your door handle you can see a little slots, you want to take your screwdriver, push in there and pull out. Push and then pull out on this bezel and then there's another one up here, another one here and the last one up here. Then that comes right off. For your power window switch, just work your screwdriver underneath. It pops up and out and then there's a tab right here, you just put your screwdriver in, push and pry it out. Disconnect that. Now I'll remove these two 7mm screws. We'll just fast forward, taking those two 7mm bolts out. Once you have that all out, you just work your hands underneath. It would probably be easiest to start here in the front. You just pull the panel, with brisk pulls and it comes off. You can see it has all the pins, it just goes into the little holes. Inside the door handle is a 10mm bolt. Use a socket and ratchet and extension. Now the handle slides forward and out. You pull the handle out a little bit and you see some clips back here. You want to pull the clip off and then pull the rod up. There's another one right underneath, pull the clip off again, pull the rod up and your handle is off. Carefully pull your water shield down so you can work on the top part of the door.
You want to go inside the door and you'll see a yellow clip there. I'm trying my to best to film it. You're just going to reach in with your finger and flip that clip open and then pull the rod out of the clip. Now, using a T30 Torx driver and a ratchet, I'm going to remove these three screws. We'll fast forward through removing those screws. Now, you want to pull the lock mechanism down, grab your rods and make sure that they stay on the outside here. As you pull the mechanism out, you will now see these rods clip into a little clip here and you can just force those out. There's another one. You just push them out of their little clips, maybe use a screwdriver just to push on them. Now, here your lock mechanism is hooked to a couple of harnesses, just little tabs here. Pull them up and disconnect that harness and this one up here, pull the tab, disconnect the harness. Now, your mechanism comes right out.
Now, your actuator's held on with three T10 screws and we'll remove those. We're going to speed this up a little bit. You want to be careful with these screws that you don't drop them and lose them, notice how I loosen them with the driver most of the way and then I use my hands to pull them out the rest of the way. You just have to be a little careful. Now your actuator comes off and you pull it off like that.
Here's a new actuator from 1A Auto; you can see it's the exact same. You've got to put that little shoe in and then twist the actuator down into place. Make sure your teeth get lined up there. Going to speed it up again a little bit. I just put each one in and then tighten it up just a little, wait until I get all three in before I tighten them all the way.
To get your actuator in, the rod with the white wrap on it goes to the upper clip and then the rod with the yellow goes down to the lower clip. The blue goes to the bottom. Plug that in and then the gray goes on top. Plug that in. Then put it up in. For that rod that you just connected, make sure it's off and out of the way. Slide the whole mechanism in. Start one of the Torx screws. I'm going to speed it up here again, just like with the other screws, I start all three of them first and then tighten them snug and then tighten them all the way up and you want these to be nice and tight, they don't have to be extremely tight but they should be good and snug. Reconnect our rod. For our rod, place it in the clip and lock the clip on. Now you can watch the rods here. We lock and unlock so it's moving the rods so that's all correct.
After that successful test, we can start putting the door back together. Put up the water shield and then go on from there. To install your door handle, now you've got two rods here, one's the lock. You can feel that it just has a detent in it and the other one just pulls, that's your door handle. The lock goes on the bottom. You just have to . it's a little hard to film but . put it into place, push it down in and lock the clip on. The door handle opener, just make sure you flip this clip around, again push it into place, maybe use our screwdriver just to help lock that clip into place. That goes ahead and goes in, slides back. Put in the 10mm bolt. We'll just speed up tightening up that bolt. You want it nice and firm. Put your door panel, make sure your harness gets into this little cavity. Pull it through. You pretty much should just put the panel into place, look back here and see the little green pin is where it's supposed to go. Look over here and push in those pins. You're all good. Connect our switch, and push it down. This has a little line up pin, it goes into a hole in the handle, make sure you push on all four corners. Then, put in our two 7mm bolts. We'll fast forward as we put those bolts and tighten them, you want them nice and snug they don't have to be overly tight, though. Then I'll push this back into place, and one good thing is to make sure your door is unlocked and you are all set.
We hope this video helps you out. Brought to you by, your source for quality replacement parts and the best service on the Internet. Please feel free to call us toll-free, 888-844-3393. We're the company that's here for you on the Internet and in person.
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Brought to you by, your source for quality replacement parts and the best service on the Internet.
Hi, I'm Mike from 1A Auto. I hope this how-to video helps you out, and next time you need parts for your vehicle, think of Thanks.
Thanks. In this video, we're going to show you how to replace a door lock actuator on this 2003 Chevy Monte Carlo. We show you on the driver's side, but the passenger's side is the same procedure. The items you'll need for this include a new door lock actuator from, a flat blade screwdriver, a Phillips screwdriver, T10, T25 and T30 Torx bits or drivers, a putty knife, a 10mm socket, and a ratchet with an extension.
Your door panel is held on with four screws. There's a Phillips screw here and a Phillips screw up here. Then down here, onto the pole handle, there are two T25 Torx screws. We'll just fast forward as Mike removes those. Pry out, behind this panel, the flat blade screwdriver, and then slide the panel forward and over the door handle. Then pry out on both sides of your door lock switch while pulling up on it. It should pull free.
There's an indent right here that you want to slide your putty knife into, and then just pry out on the clip. Then reach back behind the door panel and feel for the clips, and just pull out sharply to release the clips. Once you've release them all the way around, just lift the door panel up and then pull it back. Push the tab on this harness and pull it free. Do the same thing for this harness. Your door panel is free. Push on the tab on this harness and disconnect it. Unclip the harness from the door and pull it aside.
Carefully, without damaging the water shield, you want to just peel it back. Pry out on this clip, and then pry out on the adhesive on either side of this foam block. You want to make sure that you keep the adhesive to the block so you can stick it back into place later. If any of it peels off, make sure you push it back into place.
You'll need to remove your window, which is not too difficult. You can re-hook up your switch and position it so you can get to these two screws that hold the window to the regulator. They're 10mm bolts, and then remove those two 10mm bolts. Now, lift your window up and out. You need to remove the exterior door handle, so pry out this cover, and then you can see that there's two 10mm bolts in behind that hold the door handle on, so remove those bolts. You can see one there and then one right through there, so you need a socket and ratchet with an extension. It's the easiest way to get to those.
Now, inside the door, there's a yellow clip. Reach in there, pull it back, and unclip it. Then remove that rod. Then, to get your door handle out, you want to push from the inside and pull from the outside, and then you're going to pull the front of the handle out, down, and out first. Then twist it to get the back of the handle out, and then release the rod. Now, remove the bolt at the bottom of the door that holds the window channel. Remove the top weather strip from the top of the door, reach inside and grab your window channel, and pull it down and out. Pull the shield from your inside door handle, and there's two clips or one clip on each that hold these rods in. Just reach in and unclip them, and the top one pulls down and out, and the bottom one pulls up and out, and then unclip them from the door clip as well.
Now, three T30 screws hold the latch in. Remove those. Now pull the door lock actuator out, lift up on these tabs, and disconnect the two harnesses. Now, remove these two T10 Torx screws, and pull your door lock actuator free.
On the left is the old door lock actuator; on the right is the new one from 1A Auto. You can see they're identical and they'll fit exactly the same. Push your door lock actuator back into place and replace those two T10 screws. Reconnect the two harnesses. Just feed the actuator back into place. Once you have that lined up, replace those three T30 screws and tighten them up. Now re-clip your lock rod and your door handle rod back into place. Re-clip them back into these clips and push those clips closed. Now, you want this tab to go up into this slot, so just feed this strip up, in, and up, and it will clip on. Then just replace the 10mm bolt at the bottom.
Test it out real quick and make sure that it works and you can see that it does. You got to make sure this goes in between the track and the door lock actuator. Get the rod down in. We'll speed it up here as we just feed those two 10mm bolts, you can put them up in there by hand first and then tighten them up for the exterior door handle. Then replace that cover. Then take your exterior door handle rod and re-clip it into this yellow clip. Push the clip closed. Put the front of the window in first, and make sure that the front goes into the channel, and then start lowering the back down. You have to lower it down until the top clears the top of the frame, and then make sure you push it in and rotate it back so that it gets into the weather strip all correctly. Then once you have it in, you can let it go up and down, make sure it's nice and free, and then let it go down to the regulator.
There's two little clips here, just make sure that they're on this side of the regulator bracket, and just put your bolts in. Feed the foam block back into place and re-clip the top of it. We'll just fast forward as Mike replaces the cover around the handle and the water shield. Push your weather strip back into place. Reconnect this harness and re-clip it to the door. To reconnect your door panel, just start off by reconnecting these two harnesses. Just put this switch through here, and then line up these slots with these four tabs. Just lift the door panel up, and push those slots onto the tabs. Then just make sure the clips are wind up, and hit them into place around the sides of the door panel. Push your door lock switch back into this panel. Slide the panel over your interior door handle and slide it back into place. Then just replace those four screws, and you're all set.
We hope this video helps you out. Brought to you by, your source for quality replacement parts and the best service on the Internet. Please feel free to call us toll-free, 888-844-3393. We're the company that's here for you on the Internet and in person.
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Brought to you by, your source for quality replacement parts and the best service on the Internet.
Hi, I'm Mike from 1A Auto. I hope this how-to video helps you out, and next time you need parts for your vehicle, think of Thanks.
In this video, we're going to show you how to replace the lock actuator on one of the rear doors on this 2000 Buick LaSabre. Door actuators are available on our site, the DLA00005 is the driver side; the 6 is the passenger side. Tools you'll need are a flat blade screwdriver, Phillips screwdriver, door panel clip tool also available on our site, 10mm wrench or socket and ratchet, T30 Torx driver, and a T10 Torx driver as well as pliers. On some vehicle's how you get the door panel off may differ.
Start with a flat blade screwdriver and just carefully go right in behind here and pull out on this bezel. It comes forward and off. Next, you're going to want to take your screwdriver again and pry out on this courtesy light. You can see that comes straight out. You can pull the bulb like that. Phillips screwdriver, you can look right in here, you'll see a black Phillips screw, remove that.
Now there's a series of clips around the door panel. You want a door panel clip tool, and what you can do is pull out on the panel and slide it in. Then, usually, down until you come to a clip, pull it out, go right around the clip, pull on the door panel and on the tool at the same time, and then just keep doing that right around the whole panel. I'll speed it up here as I just work my way around the panel with the tool and pulling to release the clips. Then once you release the clips you'll want to actually just kind of pull the handle out or pull the panel out and pull it up and off of the bracket.
Pull the back clip out, pull the door panel up. Then come up to the front here, pull all these clips out, and you have to pull your door panel up and out. Then there's a little electrical connection here. Just press on the tab and disconnect that. The door panel comes off, and you can see right here, this is the clip in the middle, slides down on these clips here. What you'll want to do is once you have the panel off take your screwdriver and push up. There are basically two just little teeth that hold it on, push up, pull the clip off, and push down and that comes off. You can slide it right back into there. Fast-forward here as we remove the other clip and then put it back into the panel. Then the panel is ready to install when you have your project done.
Once the door panel's off, use some pliers or a screwdriver and pull the pins at the top of the water shield out. Carefully pull the water shield down to give you access to the part. Use your door panel clip tool or a pair of pliers and remove the pins and the big Styrofoam block that's kind of the lower part of the opening. Remove this bolt here and then just slide your handle forward and out. You pull these rods from there. You hold your handle like this, and then this rod pulls up and out, and then twist your handle and pull it off of the other rod here. Firmly pull, you rotate it this way at the same time.
Now there are three T30 screws. You'll need a T30 Torx driver, and you'll want a ratchet that goes like this. You want to remove these screws. We'll just speed up here as we remove those three screws. Now up inside you can see there's a gray clip here, and you can see my hand, but you want to reach in with your thumb and undo that clip. You can see right there, and then pull your rod out like that. Your harness, actually if you reach right here, there's a pin right here that's where your harness goes, and you just want to take your fingers or a screwdriver, pinch that, and force that through. Now, just basically, take this whole assembly and pull it right out.
Here are your two leads. There's just little tabs, so just pull the lead and you're disconnected. Here's your actuator and lock mechanism. The actuator's held in by two small T10 screws, so we're just going to use a T10 driver and remove those. Now your actuator can come off and out like that. Take your lock mechanism, your new actuator from 1A Auto, put them together a little bit diagonally and press this rubber grommet into the lock mechanism. Then put your actuator up into place, drop one screw in, drop the other screw in. We'll speed it up here again as we tighten those screws up.
Now to reconnect your leads, the black one goes on the bottom, this one that has the blue around it goes up on top. Then to put this back in, here's your child lock safety switch on the bottom toward the inside of the car. You have to feed it in a little bit, the Styrofoam here gets in the way some, feed it right in. Your lock rod or door latch rod from your door handle will be in there, so just make sure you pull that forward. Then feed the whole mechanism right up into place. Just start these in here.
Fast-forward here as we tighten up those three T30 Torx screws that hold the latch mechanism into the door. To reinstall the door handle, you'll want to do the yellow one first. Bring the handle in like this and push it on while you rotate it. Then this one, you just rotate the handle forward a little bit, get the rod in there and push it down. Bring your handle forward, make sure it's in the slot, and push it back. The last thing is just to put this, make sure it snaps back into here in place.
Now reinstall the Styrofoam block, insulation block, and carefully put your water shield back up. Put the pins back into place and make sure you press the outside edges into place. Before you put your door panel back on, you've got to make sure this bracket is in place, and then reconnect your harness. Now two of your lower pins are longer so you can actually put those in place. I'm just looking down, seeing those go in place. Those should pretty much line up, and then you can just rotate the panel onto the door. Watch everything go in. Peek back here, make sure that these pins are lined up. Ashtray fell out on the floor. Stick the back in a little bit and put that in. Make sure we take our Phillips screw and carefully put it in. Connect our courtesy light.
We hope this video helps you out. Brought to you by, your source for quality replacement parts and the best service on the Internet. Please feel free to call us toll-free, 888-844-3393. We're the company that's here for you on the Internet and in person.
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Brought to you by, your source for quality replacement parts and the best service on the Internet.
Hi, I'm Mike Green. I'm one of the owners of 1A Auto. I want to help you save time and money repairing or maintaining your vehicle. I'm going to use my 20-plus years experience restoring and repairing cars and trucks like this to show you the correct way to install parts from The right parts installed correctly: that's going to save you time and money. Thank you and enjoy the video.
In this video, we're going to show you how to remove and put back in a door lock actuator, the driver's side front on the 2004 Trailblazer, same as any '02 to '09 Trailblazer, Envoy, Bravada, Rainier, Saab 97X as well as Isuzu Ascender. Tools you'll need are small and a medium flat blade screwdriver, 10mm socket with a ratchet and extension, a T10 Torx driver and T30 Torx bit with a ratchet.
Start with a regular screwdriver, put it up under, quick little pry. Do the same thing over here. Okay, pry that up, you can see it just has two clips, front and back. Then you want to turn it over here and you want to unplug all of these harnesses. You basically just have a little thumb tabs, pull them up, okay skip that one, this one pulls out fairly easy. Now use your screwdriver, just pry that up a little bit and get that off. Then over here, screwdriver on this tab. Pry it up a little bit and it will come right out. This comes out. Around your door handle here, you're going to see some little tabs or little slots, you can insert a small screwdriver, push down with your screwdriver and then pull out with your hand, work your hand underneath, another tab right back here, push down, pull out and then there's a couple up top. Those ones you push up. There's one more right here. Okay, this whole thing comes out and if you have the memory seat and everything, you can now pull this whole harness right up and out.
There are two 10mm bolts: one there and then one way down in there. Use a 10mm socket with an extension and a ratchet. This one's really easy to get to. Okay, pull it up and out. This one, I'm going to start it. Do as much as I can, okay I just felt it fall, which is okay. Once you have those out, then you can start up here with your hand, just work it underneath this triangle, pull out and then just work your hand under the door panel and it will get harder and harder to slide under. You just pull, okay, and keep working your hand under, pull, work your hand under, and pull. Actually, here's my bolt from that armrest. Work our hand under and pull out and your door panel comes off.
For your inside door handle, there's a 10mm bolt right here. Remove that. Now I'm going to pull it forward and it comes out. Now in behind here, there's a little clips, you pull the clip off the rod then push the rod up. Another one down here, pull the clip off, push the rod up. You'll want to pull them out of these clips here.
Now inside, you're going to want to disconnect this lock rod here; there's a blue clip. Push up on the clip, and then pull that rod out. Right down here, you have this clip on here, you just pull that clip off and this rod comes out. T30 Torx bit, you need the style that you can put a ratchet handle on. Remove these three T30 Torx bolts here. We'll just speed this up as I remove those three bolts. So, now your whole locking mechanism comes out, and you can hopefully, unplug here, unplug here, unplug here, pull your mechanism down and out.
First you want to remove this strap here. Basically, I've got a T10 Torx driver is what I'm using and pry one side up and take it off. Then there are T10 Torx screws. We'll speed it up here as I remove those three screws. You'll want to pull this rod, which you'll have to twist it and then pull it out. Then this comes out of this arm, down and out. Then your actuator comes off like that.
Now this actuator is actually in fine shape, so I'm just going to put it back together. You want to put . this has a little, it's kind of like a shoe . you put the top in and then twist the actuator down. Now you have to get the gears, right here, to mesh and you can do that. You're just going to put this in, clip it into place. Again I'll use the fast forward button as we just hand thread those three bolts in or screws in and then tighten them up nice and snug. For this strap, it's easiest if you put this side on first and then you just want to push it right down. Then, this rod goes in the side that has this little groove cut in it, it just snaps right it there.
So you have your assembly. You want to put these two rods right up in through here and then have them come out this hole here. Now you want to connect all these: green goes on top, grey here and blue on the bottom. This rod goes inside this harness here. Put your assembly in. You should move over to the side a little bit. Now grab one of your Allen screws. Just make sure your handle rod doesn't get in the way, make sure it's hanging down free and start to push it up in place so you can see your latch here. Start one of your screws. We'll speed it up here as I just start those other two Torx screws. Okay, put these into place. Tighten these up. You want to tighten those up nice and firm, they don't have to be extremely tight but they should be good and firm. Okay so you're going to want to take your lock rod, make sure it's on the outside of this rod, I don't know if you can see me moving that right through here. Okay. Then clip it in and then put that clip on. Okay. Now right in here, put our handle rod in and lock that clip on. Now we can put our water shield back up in place. One thing you want to make sure is this pull right here is nice and clear. Re-installation is just a reverse. Push the rod over, clip on, pull the rod over, push it down, clip it on, and push the handle in, and slide it back. Here's a 10 millimeter bolt. Now, I'm going to fast forward through putting the door panel back on. It's just in the interest of keeping the video a little bit on the short side. Once you get it off, it's pretty easy to get back on. If you do want to see this in real speed or regular speed, just check out our other videos for the Trailblazer front door panel remove and replace.
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