Created on: 2012-05-01
1A Auto reviews how to install a new cabin air filter and how it can positively affect your health
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Hi. I'm Mike Green from 1A Auto. I'm definitely not a doctor but I do know a few things about cars. One great thing about cars these days is that the manufacturers have started taking into account people that suffer from allergies. There's actually a system built into most new cars that a lot of people don't know about. Maintaining this system will help a lot with your allergy suffering.
Most cars like this 2000 Buick LeSabre are equipped with cabin air filters. I'm just going to open this little trapdoor and then pull it out. Here is the old cabin air filter. This filter as you can see is grey and dirty. Here's a new one. Obviously this filter is designed to trap small particulates, a lot of particulates that can aggravate allergies. When they get dirty like this, eventually particulates get through or a lesser amount of air gets into your vehicle.
Replacing your filter can allow you to get more air into the vehicle, more fresh air, more clean air. It's very easy very simple. On this vehicle, you always want on these filters . there's always going to be an arrow that points to the airflow. Most of the time an airflow is obviously into the vehicle so you want this arrow to point down on this car. Slide the new one into place. You do flex them a little bit. Push the filter in place. Then, this filter you push down and in. Then I put the trapdoor back on.
That will get you a lot of fresh air for miles to come. If you suffer from allergies quite a bit, I'd probably recommend at least checking that, and maybe even replacing it every 10,000 miles or so. The usual recommendation is 25,000 miles. You'll either find it, like on this vehicle, somewhere up in the back of the engine compartment. The other place you'll find it, not on this vehicle but on a lot of vehicles . obviously your owner's manual will tell you, but a lot of times where you'll find it is in the back. There's either a trapdoor in the back of your glove compartment, or your glove compartment or your glove box will actually come out with a couple of screws, and you can replace the cabin filter this way on some vehicles.
1A Auto stocks a complete line of cabin air filters for many vehicles. Please go onto, find a cabin air filter for your make and model. Order it, you'll have it in a couple of days, and give yourself some relief from those allergy symptoms.
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